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Closet Detox 101

When was the last time you did a detox?

…I am talking about a closet detox 😜 As today is #NationalThriftShopDay, why don’t you take this time to purge your closet?

1. Set Aside Dedicated Time: Block off a specific time in your schedule to focus solely on purging your closet. This will allow you to dedicate uninterrupted time to the task and avoid procrastination.

2. Take Everything Out: Remove all items from your closet and lay them out in a designated area. This will give you a clear visual of everything you own and make it easier to evaluate each item.

3. Sort into Categories: Divide your clothing into categories such as tops, bottoms, dresses, outerwear, etc. This will help you assess each category individually and make decisions more efficiently.

4. Use the “Three-Pile Method”: Create three piles: keep, donate/sell, and discard. As you evaluate each item, be honest with yourself about whether you love it, wear it regularly, and if it still fits your style and lifestyle. Place each item into the appropriate pile accordingly.

5. Consider the Last Time You Wore It: If you haven’t worn an item in the past year or more, it’s a good indication that it’s time to let it go. Holding onto items you no longer wear only takes up valuable space in your closet.

6. Quality over Quantity: Focus on keeping items that are versatile, well-fitting, and of good quality. Aim for a wardrobe filled with pieces that you truly love and that will withstand the test of time.

7. Organize and Donate: Once you have decided which items to let go of, organize the remaining pieces back into your closet in a way that makes sense for you. Bag up the donation/sell pile and promptly drop it off at a local charity or sell it online to ensure a clean and clutter-free space.

Tag a friend whom you think needs some closet purging!

#closetdetox #closetpurging #thrifting #decluttering #minimalist

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